No Recoil

Dec 27, 2019
No Recoil

  • With the implementation of the new custom recoil system it is now recommended to create a custom recoil profile for the operators/guns you'll be using. You could also download others profiles and modify them to suit your needs.

    Download the attachment 'CustomRecoil' and put it where the cheat is located at. It should look something like this:

    Now right click CustomRecoil > Click 'Extract to CustomRecoil'

    Your cheat folder should now look as such:
    Now when you load the applauncher (cheat), it will read all the profiles recoil profiles inside the CustomRecoil folder.

    Now head to Settings > No Recoil and select Custom Recoil
    From this point on, you should only focus in the right marked field 'Custom Recoil'. Simply select the profile you want and hit load or edit.

    Now lets have a look at the edit functions.
    For the most part, its pretty obvious what each field is. I'll cover the relevant ones.

    Primary Weapon
    Primary Weapon is the settings of your main gun for that operator. So when you press "1" it will load all the primary gun values that you've given.

    Secondary Weapon
    Secondary weapon is when you press "2", which will automatically load your secondary gun custom values.

    Sleep is the duration in milliseconds to *pause* the running script for the defined duration. Sleep values could vary from 1 - 50 or more, but that's usually the number you'd want to be around. Such as 10, 15, 22, 26, etc.

    The 'Move' variable determines which direction to move your mouse. The goal here is to move the opposite direction to compensate for the recoil in-game. So of course when you shoot your gun goes up, so add in a Move DOWN value and set a number.

    The number next to a Move value will determine how much to move to that direction. So if the gun gives more recoil, then increase this number.

    Setting Type to 'Automatic' will load the No Recoil script.
    Setting Type to 'Manual' will load the Auto DMR script, to make your gun fully auto when you hold right click + left click. You'll need to have Auto DMR configured which is easy just view this.

    Every user has different DPI, windows sens and in-game sens. This means you have to enter a terrorist hunt to test which settings works best for you.

    Usually its just adjusting the minimum-maximum value. To increase the effectiveness of no recoil, you should increase the min-max value as such:


    The min-max value determines a random value to extract between these numbers, in order to shake your mouse using that value. This is what creates the no-recoil effect, so the higher would likely give you more no recoil but also add more shake to your screen. So try staying as low as possible.

    What's Method 1 and 2?
    Method 1 and Method 2 are just two different methods used to move your mouse. For some both work great, for some only Method 2 works great, so try it all out!

    What's sleep?
    Sleep is the value which tells the no-recoil script to pause its actions after each mouse movement occurs.

    What's pull down?
    By default the no-recoil script shakes your mouse up and down. Using pull down mode will make it so the script will only pull your mouse down based on the value generated from the min-max values.
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