Resolved Snap Triggerbot and Hold for trigger problems! ACOG Adjustment.

Discussion in 'Support' started by fugee, Jan 15, 2019.

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  1. fugee New Member

    Jan 14, 2019
    +1 / -0
    So i have been messing around a bit with the Snap Triggerbot trying out diffrent values on it! example first 7000 and second 13000 then i tried around 9000 on the first and 15,000 on the second, also played around with the ACOG offset, but now i run 1.6 by default! I just cant seem to get that SNAP! correct.

    so what my problem is here i went in and try hit a plain surface with 1 shot then holding the rectangle near it ( like in the tutorial "WIKI") what i notice is that it hits to far on the right side of the dot and also it fires like 6-7 shots straight up in a line, im not getting that sweet 1 tap effect!

    Im running ACOG mainly on both attack and defend so that is really the only value im interested in! Also it seems like my " Hold for trigger " does not work for some reason i dont get the Triggerbot active when holding right click. i can see the message when holding down the SPACE Bar, but then again i think my values are way off and it wont stick right when active!

    You can contact me on Discord and i could show some videos of what im talking about might be easier to understand my problem if you can see it for yourself!

    Thanks in advance!
  2. T4TL Support

    Sep 17, 2018
    +10 / -0
    To set the offset values right you need to see if your aim over snaps the bullet hole. Best practice is create a bullet hole and keep the rectangle corner BELOW the bullet hole then slowly take it to the bullet hole and if it over snaps, just reduce the offset value.

    Also for the spray part, you need to set up no recoil first. Try this setting:
    • OFF method 1
    • Enable Method 2
    • Set min-max to 8-8
    • Set sleep to 10

    Message me on discord I can help you better on there :smile:
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