Since I've been getting quite a sum of requests for re-selling & re-branding my program for redistribution; I've decided to add in a Commercial Programme for both re-sellers & those that would like to re-brand the software as their own. All cheat features will be updated for free, along with launcher updates. Re-Branding: Add your site URL. Add your Discord Tag. Customise Loader colors. Set click-able buttons URL for the following: Suggestions Guides Site/Forums Sell keys at whatever rate you want. You'll own the keys and have 100% profit over it. Limited support. If you'd like dedicated support such as team viewer for your customers, then it'll cost an additional $25. However, we do have a full in-depth wiki located here, so likely you'll not require full-fledged support as you may use the Wiki or message me if there is an issue. Re-Selling: Support provided by LegitCheats. Sell keys at whatever rate you want. You'll own the keys and have 100% profit over it. By default there will be LegitCheats branding. If you'd like to set your own name/links, then you may consider the re-branding option above. Pricing: Re-Branding: 25 keys = 105$ 50 keys = 150$ 100 keys = 255$ 200 keys = 435$ Re-Selling: 25 keys = 83$ 50 keys = 120$ 100 keys = 225$ 200 keys = 405$ Each key can be redeemed for 1 month subscription. Only Bitcoin is accepted. If you'd like to purchase, message me over Discord LegitCheats#6696 Got a suggestion? Post it down here!
Sure. I've also adjusted some rates. Those that paid extra will get that amount refunded back. Re-Branding: 25 keys = 60 50 keys = 100 100 keys = 170 200 keys = 290 Re-Selling: 50 keys = 80 100 keys = 150 200 keys = 270